August 2017
The Waterside - Part 1: Who Are Water Treatment’s Unsung Heroes?
By Mike Henley
Global Semiconductor Sales Show Up Tick
Patent Summary
Example of a contemporary type of EDI system. Photo courtesy of QUA Group.
Back to Basics
How Has EDI Technology Changed Since 1987?
By Fred Wiesler
Image of a membrane surface with silica and calcium sulfate scale. Courtesy of Avista Technologies.
What is Chemistry’s Role in Maximizing RO Recovery Rates?
By Lee Durham and Raul Gonzalez
Sugar mill turbine in 2008.
Boiler Feedwater
What a Tanzanian Sugar Mill Learned from Monitoring Steam Properties
By David G. Daniels
July 2017
Fishmouth failure due to rapid overheating and lack of water flow to cool the metal. Photo courtesy of ChemTreat.
Boiler Feedwater
The Influence of Inadequate Water Circulation on Boiler Tube Failures
By Robert E. Hargrave, P.E.
Vacuum filtration of a product during the synthesis of 2-AI. Photo by Ariel J. Atkinson, PhD.
Can Incorporating Novel Anti-Biofilm Molecules into NF/RO Membranes Aid Biofouling Control?
By Ariel Atkinson, PhD; Jingbo Wang, Zhenfa Zhang, PhD; Orlando Coronell, PhD; Angela Pollard, PhD; David Jung, PhD; Avram Gold, PhD
June 2017
Patent Summary: Microbial Control
Compiled by Mike Henley
Night photo featuring Langley Gulch Power Plant, a 300-MW nominal natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant, located in New Plymouth, ID. Photo provided to Kiewit Engineering and Design by Marble Street Studios.
Boiler Feedwater
How Water Chemistry Training and Knowledge Sharing Innovations Can Empower Power Plant Employees
A chemical feed pump with dial control for stroke length and rate. Photo courtesy of Pulafeeder.
Back to Basics
Here are the Basics of Chemical Feed Systems
By Robert Hamilton and Robert Sterner