Comparing the Functionality of Available Recirculating Lab Faucets

By Tom Sixsmith, Marty Burkhart, and Casey Williamson


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There is a variety of purified water or deionized water laboratory faucets for lab use available in todayメs market, filling various applications. Those providing the cleanest water from a standpoint of microbial growth are of a recirculating design. The authors wish to show the capabilities of the most popular recirculating lab faucets (RLF) available. In doing so, we would like to introduce the concept for a new RLF, compare various designs, flowrates, and effective stagnation and lastly demonstrate if the installation technique can nullify the advantages of recirculation. The introduction of an inline flow diverter (IFD) in the main conduit to create a pressure differential across the RLF is novel and is particularly important for proper operation of an RLF, as shown in this study.

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