Performance Qualified UV System for Use in Purified Water Treatment and Distribution

By Andrew Clark et al.

UV Disinfection Monitoring Analytics Distribution

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Advances in the qualification of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection performance made in the municipal drinking water industry are making their way into UV system designs for the pharmaceutical, and the food and beverage industries where product, process, and brand safety demand a rigorous, proven, and third-party approved approach to system sizing, design, and monitoring. This is particularly true for systems used as モpolicemenヤ standing guard in case of contamination because of up-stream plant failure or variations in water quality. This article introduces the third-party testing and performance qualification used in a UV supplierメsa new UV technology, and the concept of reduction equivalent dose (RED) as a more accurate guide to performance prediction compared to Average Dose models. A novel method of compensating for variation in UV transmittance (UVT) without a UVT monitor is described, as is the in situ, on-line, UV sensor verification essential for ensuing accurate reporting of the delivered dose.

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